Results: Goodreads Choice Awards 2016


Early November, I talked about the Goodreads Choice Awards in an earlier post. I showed you where to vote, who you could vote for and who I voted for. Over the course of the month of November, no less than 3.562.283 votes were cast. Now the results have come in and it’s time to look at the winners!

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Of course I was also really curious to find out which of the books I helped reach the first place. I got three of them right:

Strangely, only Fantasy is a genre that I read regularly and here my vote for Harry Potter was obvious. I don’t read a lot of graphic novels or comic books at all, yet I got that category right purely based on the cover. Same goes for mystery & thriller, I voted for Stephen King because he was the only author who I had already read something from.

Next, I went to check if my picks ended up anywhere near the top 3. Here are those results:

In most categories, the votes were evenly spread out (at least in the top 3 books) but there were also some categories where there was a very obvious winner. Most notably in the Fantasy category: the second book had only 38.615 votes while the winner got 128.543 votes. The difference was less big but still obvious in the categories of Humour, Nonfiction, Graphic Novels & Comics and Middle Grade & Children’s.

And finally I took a look at the total number of votes each category got to figure out which genre is read most and least on Goodreads.

  Genre Total votes
1 Fantasy 317.002
2 Young Adult Fantasy 301.403
3 Romance 290.692
4 Mystery & Thriller 238.296
5 Fiction 237.844
6 Young Adult Fiction 188.758
7 Science Fiction 184.025
8 Historical Fiction 180.501
9 Humour 167.722
10 Memoir & Autobiography 159.408
11 Middle Grade & Children’s 157.177
12 Graphic Novels & Comics 153.866
13 Debut Goodreads Author 152.173
14 Nonfiction 149.234
15 Horror 134.220
16 Food & Cookbooks 126.949
17 History & Biography 119.035
18 Picture Books 113.316
19 Science & Technology 98.473
20 Poetry 95.646

Now I must say these results didn’t really surprise me. The top three was very much expected since these genres are really booming lately and since these target groups are arguably also online the most. The bottom four were no surprise either, however I did expect much more voting for cookbooks as they are quite successful commercially. But when I thought about it a little more I understood why: cookbooks are bought a lot by people who don’t really read books. Obviously, these people wouldn’t be on Goodreads since it’s a website specifically for readers. And I can understand that it is also quite difficult to rate cookbooks (I voted purely based on the title for example).

So, did you vote? And did your top picks end up with a lot of votes? I’d be happy to read about it in the comment section!

Happy reading,

Loes M.


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