Quiz: who said it – Christian Grey or Pepé Le Pew?

Time for a bit of fun! You al know Pepé Le Pew, right? If not, let me refresh your memory:

Remember this Looney Tunes character now? The skunk from France was first introduced in 1945, and apparently – according to BookRiot – Christian Grey might have been based on him… Find out if you can tell them apart in this quiz!

1. A man can dream.

2. You know, it is possible to be too attractive. 

3. Your conduct is unseemly! Control yourself!

4. You could be dessert. You’re deliciously sweet.

5. I missed! Lucky for you.

6. Do you like cheese?

7. If you have not tried it, do not knock it.

8. A pitiful case, am I not?

9. I like my women sentient and receptive.

10. Wait here while I get you a glass of water!

11. How is it that she can sleep when I am so near?

12. You have the most beautiful skin. 

13. You are not just a pretty face.

So, who said what? A tip: 6 were said by Christian, 7 by Pepé. I only got 5 of them right, I’m a bad guesser! You can find the answers here. I must say, I find Pepé a bit more charming than Christian! Don’t you agree?

Happy quizzing,

Loes M.

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