Harry Potter: The Wand Collection – J. K. Rowling

Great news! A new Harry Potter book is coming out in two weeks! Harry Potter: The Wand Collection by Monique Peterson will be released on November 14th. This book accompanies the books and movies and gives more details and explanations about the wands of the Harry Potter characters.

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As we all know, “the wand chooses the wizard”, which means that each wand is as unique as the witch or wizard who wields it. We know as well that Harry and Voldemort’s wands both have a phoenix feather core (given by Dumbledore’s Fawkes, in fact) and that Ron has a tendency to break his wands. But what does it mean if you get a vine wood, dragon heartstring core wand like Hermione? Or a cypress wood, unicorn hair core like Lupin? Why were the Death Eaters’ wands laid in with bone?

Rowling came up with very specific wands for the major characters and she worked with the filmmakers to design and craft wands that reflected their owner’s identity. In this book, we will be taken through that process and discover all about the magical wands, their makers and the characters who mastered them. Included are stunning new photography of the original props, wand statistics, insights from the cast and crew and other filmmaking secrets from the Warner Bros. archive. Below, some pictures from the book, taken from Amazon.

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I can’t wait for this book to come out! I’d love to know more about wand lore in general. But it would also be interesting to see what’s behind each wand and how they made it. Christmas wishlist? Check!

Happy reading,

Loes M.

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